All Bach articles – Page 6
Book review: The Complete Special Edition of Bach’s Fugues for Solo Violin: Vol.1
Robin Stowell reviews the first two volumes in Biobach Music’s details edition of Bach’s fugues
Improvising on Bach's solo violin works
In this post originally from 2015, violinist Hugo Ticciati discusses the art of improvisation and using Bach as a basis for musical meditation
The Strad Podcast Episode #3: Benjamin Baker on performing solo Bach
Violinist Benjamin Baker speaks about performing all six sonatas and partitas by Bach, as well as how playing solo Bach can inform his playing of contemporary works, and vice versa.
Yehudi Menuhin's marked-up copy of Bach's Solo Violin Sonata no.2
Have a small peek into the workings of Menuhin's interpretation. Taken from The Strad's May 2016 issue.
Learning to Speak Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV565 through the lens of a solo violin transcription
Violinist Gregory Harrington shares his process of transcribing Bach’s iconic organ work for solo violin
Hiyoli Togawa: Songs of Solitude
Intriguing commissions on a contemplation of lockdown solitude
Marie Stockmarr Becker: Bach
Expressive, sweet-toned playing especially in the slow movements
Live-streamed concert review: Xavier Foley (double bass) Kelly Yu-Chieh Lin (piano)
Leah Hollingsworth tunes in to the Shriver Hall Concert Series (Discovery Series) on 6 March 2021
Violeta Vicci: Mirror Images
A remarkable concept album by a unique and imaginative solo performer
Live-streamed concert review: Leila Josefowicz (violin)
Bruce Hodges watches an artful performance at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art on 16 February 2021
Live-streamed concert review: Academy of Ancient Music/Laurence Cummings
Tim Homfray gives an appraisal of the performance at West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge, on 12 February
Danish Quartet: Prism III
Adventurous quartet finds connections between pioneering chamber works
‘Balancing violin and harpsichord requires a stretch of the imagination’ - Simon Standage
Early music expert Simon Standage discusses historically informed performance, interpretation and balancing violin and harpsichord in Bach’s Violin Sonata in E major
Concert review: Gil Shaham
Leah Hollingsworth hears the soloist play at People’s Symphony Concerts, New York, on 13 December 2020
Jennifer Koh: Bach & Beyond – Part 3
Eloquent, artful, yet unadorned playing in the third of Koh’s series
Nathan Meltzer: To Roman Totenberg
Promising playing but still a way to go on this tribute to a renowned violinist
Tabea Zimmermann: Solo II
Long-awaited follow-up to violist’s first Bach album doesn’t disappoint