All stradivarius articles – Page 8
LeoGroup purchases multi-million dollar Stradivarius violin with digital currency bitcoin
The violin was sold by New York firm Carpenter Fine Violins in the landmark deal
When a Stradivarius costs $45m, creating an ‘Art Fund' for musical instruments is vital
Association of British Orchestras director Mark Pemberton makes the case for a national musical instrument bank in the UK to ensure world-class instruments are not merely the preserve of rich investors
Blind-tested soloists unable to tell Stradivarius violins from modern instruments
Following a controversial 2010 study in Indianapolis, researchers in Paris invited ten professional musicians to compare twelve instruments, in this investigation from 2014
New vs old: follow-up to the Indianapolis 'blind testing' experiment
In 2012 a controversial study pitting modern violins against old Italians generated heated debate among string lovers. On 7 April the results of a follow-up experiment are due to be published. Here, researchers Claudia Fritz and Joseph Curtin explain the thinking behind the second study, in which ...
The Strad April 2014 issue is on sale now
Tributes to János Starker, 40 years of the Arditti Quartet and a beautifully decorated bow are among this month's features
Rare 1719 Stradivarius viola to go on sale
The 1719 ‘Macdonald’ Stradivarius viola is to go on the market. One of only ten surviving violas made by the master luthier, the instrument will be offered for sale in a sealed bid process by auctioneers Sotheby’s and Ingles & Hayday. Made during Stradivarius’s so-called ‘golden ...
A Brief Survey of Summer Festivals Without All the Bother of Joining a String Quartet – Part Seven
American String Quartet violist Daniel Avshalomov visits Cremona, home of Stradivari, to meet current Cremonese luthiers, Eva and Hristo Marino
Premium ❘ Debate
Museums must be allowed to display historic instruments to the public
Suggestions that instrumental care is too delicate a task for museums are dangerously wide of the mark, and pay scant regard to their educational objectives, argues Alex Robinson in this blog from 2014
Milwaukee Police confirm safe recovery of $5m ‘Lipinski' Stradivarius violin
Instrument found inside a suitcase, hidden in the attic, at a property in Milwaukee
Stolen ‘Lipinski' Stradivarius violin believed to be recovered
Milwaukee Police will hold a press conference to provide further details
Three arrested in connection with ‘Lipinski' Stradivarius violin theft
The suspects, all from Milwaukee, are currently in custody, although the violin has not been recovered
Anonymous owner of stolen 'Lipinski' Stradivarius violin issues statement
A reward of $100,000 has also been offered for information leading to the instrument's safe return
When Stradivarius violins go AWOL
In this article from The Strad, February 2011, Peter Somerford looks into the murky world of international Stradivarius violin theft, and the efforts being made towards recovery and prevention
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra concertmaster Frank Almond plays the 'Lipinski' Stradivarius
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra concertmaster Frank Almond discusses and plays selections from Giuseppe Tartini's 'Devil's Trill' Sonata on Tartini's own violin — later to be known as the 1715 'Lipinski' Stradivarius, after Polish violinist Karol Lipinski. The violin was stolen from Almond in an armed robbery this ...
300-year-old ‘Lipinski' Stradivarius violin stolen in armed robbery
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra concertmaster Frank Almond attacked with a stun gun on the evening of 27 January
Stolen ‘ex-Kym' Stradivarius violin fetches £1.385m at auction
The Stradivarius violin belonging to London-based violinist Min-Jin Kym that was stolen at a Pret a Manger sandwich bar in London’s Euston Station in November 2010 and later recovered by police, has sold for £1.385m ($2.27m) at auction. The sale price exceeds the £1.2m valuation attached to ...
Never judge a book by its cover
This story about the instrument repairer and the farmer's violin from The Strad, November 1959, contains all the hallmarks of the Hans Christian Andersen tale The Ugly Duckling. Its message remains as pertinent today as ever
Strad Fest LA to showcase eight Stradivari violins
Eight of Stradivari’s best known violins are to go on display in Los Angeles as part of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra’s Strad Fest LA event, which will run from 26–29 March 2014. The eight instruments are the ‘Serdet’ Strad of 1666, the 1708 ‘Ruby’ (pictured), the ...
From the archive: The day the 'Huberman' Strad reappeared
In this article from The Strad 1987, Charles Beare recalls the media storm that followed the discovery of the stolen Stradivari violin
From the archive: The tale of the King of Spain Strads
The set of decorated Stradivari instruments housed at the Royal Palace of Madrid made news recently when they received their first public performance, by the Quiroga Quartet from Spain (see link below). The stringed instruments have an eccentric history, shrouded in mystery and conflicting views. Stradivari made them for the Spanish ...