All Gallery articles – Page 6

  • 30_9_16

    From the Archive: a Stradivarius violin from the 1695 period


    This illustration of a violin by Antonio Stradivari was published in The Strad, April 1983. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:This violin, which is not recorded in any of the books listing Stradivari's works, belongs to the 1695 era, the so-called long Strad ...

  • 23_9_161

    From the Archive: a violin by J.B. Salomon, 1750


    This illustration of a violin by Jean Baptiste-Deshayes Salomon was published in The Strad, April 1983. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:The work of Jean Baptiste-Deshayes Salomon is definitely Italianate and appears to have been influenced by the peculiarities of the mid-18th-century Roman ...

  • 16_9_16

    From the Archive: Antonius and Hieronymus Amati 'Henry IV' violin, Cremona, 1595


    This illustration of a violin by Antonius and Hieronymus Amati was published in The Strad, April 1983. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Decorated violins are as old as the instrument itself. Andrea Amati of Cremona, credited with being the first known violin maker, ...

  • 9_9_16_2

    From the Archive: copy of a late Stradivarius violin by Nicholas Lupot


    This illustration of a violin by Nicholas Lupot was published in The Strad, February 1983. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Lupot was the first maker, together with his colleague Francois Pique, to recognise and establish beyond doubt the superiority of the Stradivarius model and to ...

  • 2_9_16

    From the Archive: a violin by Carlo Ferdinando Landolphi, Milan, 1752


    This illustration of a violin by Carlo Ferdinando Landolphi was published in The Strad, October 1982. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:The earliest records say that this instrument was owned by Count Alfred Belissa of Genoa. A letter written on the Count's personal stationary stated ...

  • 26_8_16

    From the Archive: a viola by J.F. Guidantus, 1737


    This illustration of a viola by J.F. Guidantus was published in The Strad, August 1982. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:In the June 1982 London sales, among the sought-after instruments at Christie's was a J.F. Guidantus 1737 viola, which predictably exceeded its estimate by realising ...

  • 19_8_16

    From the Archive: a cello by Glen Collins, 'The Royal Charles', 1982


    This illustration of a cello by Glen Collins was published in The Strad, August 1982. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:It has been a long standing ambition of luthier Glen A. Collins to make a cello for HRH the Prince of Wales. Collins started corresponding ...

  • 12_8_16

    From the Archive: a cello by G.B. Rugeri of Cremona


    This illustration of a cello by G.B. Rugeri was published in The Strad, June 1982. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:This cello has a distinguished history. It was brought from Italy to pass into the possession of King George IV and then to the Duke ...

  • 5_8_16

    From the Archive: a violin by Alfredo Galea, 1979


    This illustration of a violin by Alfredo Galea was published in The Strad, March 1982. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Among the Italian violins produced in this century, the instruments of Alfredo G. Galea merit special appreciation for their lustrous and flexible tone. After a ...

  • 29_7_16

    From the Archive: a violin by Sam Daniels, Jerome, Idaho, 1977


    This illustration of a violin by Sam Daniels was published in The Strad, August 1980. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Sam Daniels was born in 1915 in Idaho. His first attempt at making a violin was in 1936, when Sam ordered a kit from the ...

  • 22_7_16

    From the Archive: the 'Reynolds' Maggini violin, 1610


    This illustration of a violin by Giovanni Paolo Maggini was published in The Strad, May 1980. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photograph:This violin by Giovanni Paolo Maggini of 1610 is in virtually mint condition . Authenticated violins by this Brescian maker are at best infrequent ...

  • 15_7_16

    From the Archive: a violin by Giovanni Paolo Maggini, Brescia c.1600


    This illustration of a violin by Giovanni Paolo Maggini was published in The Strad, January 1980. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:On the good authority of William E Hill and Sons, who certified the instrument on March 16 1955, the violin (with the exception of ...

  • 8_7_16

    From the Archive: a violin by Barak Norman, London 1704


    This illustration of a violin by Barak Norman was published in The Strad, February 1979. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Barak Norman, who is among the best of the Old English School of viol and violin makers, was probably a pupil of Thomas Urquhart, a ...

  • 1_7_16

    From the Archive: a violincello by William Forster II, London, c.1785


    This illustration of a cello by William Forster was published in The Strad, April 1979. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:William Forster II, generally referred to as 'Old Forster' and sometimes as 'Royal Forster', was born at Brampton, Cumberland in 1739, and died in London ...

  • 24_6_16

    From the Archive: a viola by Jacobus Horil, Rome, 1741


    This illustration of a viola by Jacobus Horil was published in The Strad, December 1978. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Jacobus Horil was a Viennese maker who worked from 1720 to around 1758. Like a number of makers working in Vienna he was probably of ...

  • 17_6_16

    From the Archive: a viola by Hieronymus Amati II, Cremona, 1705


    This illustration of a viola by Hieronymus Amati II was published in The Strad, November 1978. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs: A superb example of the work of Hieronymus Amati, son of Nicolo, this instrument's label is dated Cremona 1705. According ...

  • 10_6_16

    From the Archive: A violin by Anselmo Bellosio, Venice, c.1780


    This illustration of a violin by Anselmo Bellosio was published in The Strad, June 1978. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs: This typical example of the work of Anselmo Bellosio is unlabelled but dates from around 1780, the closing years of its maker's life. Anselmo ...

  • 6_6_16

    From the Archive: a Craske viola c.1860


    This illustration of a viola by Jacob Craske was published in The Strad, April 1976. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:The recent record price of £1,300 obtained at Philips for a 15 5/8' viola by George Craske circa 1680 has tended to throw something of ...

  • 30_5_16

    From the Archive: A violin by Giuseppe Guarneri 'del Gesù', Cremona 1734, 'The Gillott'


    This illustration of a violin by Giuseppe Guarneri 'del Gesù' was published in The Strad, November 1977. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:In due course the 1734 'del Gesù' passed via John Hart's to Joseph Gillott, renowned pen manufacturer, but whose fame is more likely ...

  • 16_5_16

    From the Archive: A violin by Giuseppe Gagliano of Naples, 1785


    This illustration of a violin by Giuseppe Gagliano was published in The Strad, March 1978. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:The handsome Gagliano illustrated here is by Giuseppe, the second son of Nicolo whose models he followed. For some years Giuseppe shared a workshop with ...