All antoine tamestit articles
Festival review: Rosendal Festival
Harriet Smith finds that rain certainly didn’t stop play at Leif Ove Andsnes’s inspiring annual Norwegian gathering from 7–11 August 2024
Concert review: Antoine Tamestit (viola) Berlin Philharmonic/Daniel Harding
Carlos Maria Solare hears the performance of Jörg Widmann and Bruckner at the Berlin Philharmonie on 20 January 2024
The Strad Recommends: Isabelle Faust et al: Schumann
Period instruments prove revelatory in two Romantic icons
Video: Three Stradivaris in one string trio
Veronika Eberle, Antoine Tamestit and Sol Gabetta perform Beethoven at the Festival Pablo Casals de Prades on 7 August 2023
Ébène Quartet, Antoine Tamestit: Mozart
Music-making of exquisite detail creates a powerful emotional impact
Concert review: Antoine Tamestit (viola) London Symphony Orchestra/Robin Ticciati
Tim Homfray gives his thoughts on a performance of Walton’s Viola Concerto at LSO St Luke’s on 14 October 2021
Ébène Quartet, Antoine Tamestit, Nicolas Altstaedt: ’Round Midnight
A varied and imaginative tapestry of night music, sumptuously performed
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Masterclass: Antoine Tamestit on Brahms Viola Sonata op.120 no.1 third and fourth movements
Folk dance and fireworks all feature in Antoine Tamestit’s discussion of the third and fourth movements, in the second of two articles about the complete F minor Sonata
Premium ❘ Feature
Masterclass: Antoine Tamestit on Brahms Viola Sonata op.120 no.1 first and second movements
Antoine Tamestit discusses how he found an ideal piano–viola balance and came to love Brahms, after a long struggle. Here he covers the first and second movements, in the first of two articles
The Strad February 2018 issue is out now
A French focus led by the Arod Quartet discussing how making a successful career as a foursome takes more than first-rate playing
Professional string players reveal their favourite accessory
We asked six string musicians to name the one most treasured addition to their kit – though for some it was doing without something which made the difference
String trio repertoire from Haydn to the present day
To accompany The Strad’s October 2017 issue cover feature on the Trio Zimmermann, Geraint Lewis looks at the available repertoire for this Cinderella of string genres
Trio Zimmermann discuss how forming the group has changed them as musicians
A decade after its founding, Trio Zimmermann has put the string trio back in the spotlight. How does this all-star ensemble function, and can it save the string trio from obscurity? Andrew Mellor went to meet its members
The Strad October 2017 issue is out now
Frank Peter Zimmermann, Antoine Tamestit and Christian Poltéra on learning to work as one in the Trio Zimmermann
Antoine Tamestit talks about his 1672 Stradivarius viola
In this video for the LSO, Tamestit talks through the unusual features of the ‘Mahler’ Stradivarius, named in honour of the composer, not because he owned it at any time. The instrument, on loan to Tamestit from the Habisreutinger Foundation, is thought to be the first viola by Stradivari. Tamestit ...
Mozart: Violin Concertos: no.2 in D major K211, no.5 in A major K219 ‘Turkish’; Sinfonia concertante in E flat major K3641
THE STRAD RECOMMENDS The Strad Issue: May 2016 Description: Zimmermann continues his new cycle of Mozart’s violin concertos Musicians: Frank Peter Zimmermann (violin) Antoine Tamestit (viola)1 Bavarian Radio Symphony Chamber Orchestra/Radoslaw Szulc Composer: Mozart This is ...
Violist Antoine Tamestit performs Hindemith on the 'Mahler' Stradivarius
Antoine Tamestit performs the fiendishly difficult fourth movement of Paul Hindemith's Solo Viola Sonata op.25 no.1 on the 1672 'Mahler' Stradivarius - one of very few violas made by the famous luthier, on loan through the Habisreutinger Foundation.Watch: Vadim Repin performs on seven Stradivarius and Guarneri violins