All Gershwin articles
My great-uncle Alex, his violin, and the premiere of Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’
When Anton Alterman acquired his great-uncle Alex Drasein’s violin, little did he know that it was the instrument Draesin played for the 1924 world premiere of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. The discovery spurred on the writer to find out more about the violinist.
The Strad Recommends: cellist Alban Gerhardt, Alliage Quintet: Phantasy In Blue
A master cellist delivers old favourites in striking new garb
Oyster Duo: Stolen Pearls
Bass and piano duo breaks the mould and excels in borrowed repertoire
Concert review: Kristin Lee (violin) Orion Weiss (piano)
Leah Hollingsworth watches a live stream from Music@Menlo, California, on 17 January 2021
Concert review: Zuill Bailey (cello) Michael Butterman (piano) Members of the Boulder Philharmonic
Leah Hollingsworth watches a live stream from Boulder Municipal Airport, Colorado, on 23 January 2021
Daniel Hope: Hope@Home
One of the most delightful ‘socially distanced’ albums you’ll hear this year
Heifetz, Gershwin: It Ain't Necessarily So
Jascha Heifetz plays his own arrangement of Gershwin’s ’It Ain’t Necessarily So’ from Porgy and Bess
The Gleaners. Grenadier, Gershwin, Coltrane/Motian, Martin and Muthspiel
Bassist offers a fabulous fusion of free jazz and acrobatic classical technique
Anne-Sophie Mutter plays Gershwin's 'Summertime'
From ABC Classic FM comes this video of Anne-Sophie Mutter and pianist Tamara-Anna Cislowska performing ‘Summertime’ from George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess.
Nigel Kennedy plays Gershwin at outdoor festival
British violinist Nigel Kennedy performs Gershwin’s Oh, Lady Be Good with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra at The Biggest Weekend, a music festival organised by the BBC. Watch Kennedy’s full house-long set here
Five Decades of Treasured Performances. Works by Barber, Bartók, Beethoven, A. Benjamin, Bloch, Brahms, Brustad, Chausson, Chopin, Debussy, Fauré, Gershwin, Grieg, Kreisler, Mendelssohn, Nín, Paradis,
The Strad Issue: August 2015Description: A celebration of an under-sung violinist now in her eightiesMusicians: Camilla Wicks (violin) various artistsComposer: Barber, Bartók, Beethoven, A. Benjamin, Bloch, Brahms, Brustad, Chausson, Chopin, Debussy, Fauré, Gershwin, Grieg, Kreisler, Mendelssohn, Nín, Paradis, Ravel, Sarasate, Scărlătescu, Schubert, Shostakovich, R. Strauss, Tailleferre, Tchaikovsky, ...
A War Concert: Transcriptions by Jascha Heifetz. Works by Ponce, Kreisler, Gershwin, Foster, Debussy and Castelnuovo-Tedesco
The Strad Issue: April 2015Description: A re-creation of Heifetz’s concerts to provide entertainment at the front lineMusicians: Lucio Degani (violin) Andrea Rucli (piano)Composer: Ponce, Kreisler, Gershwin, Foster, Debussy and Castelnuovo-TedescoEntertaining troops at the various points of conflict during the Second World War was the contribution made by ...