All ask-the-experts articles – Page 2
Ask the Experts: how to eliminate tension in the bow arm and hand
Three teachers give their thoughts on eliminating right hand, arm and shoulder tension in a young student
Ask the Experts: buying a student's first full-size violin
What should parents think about when it comes to buying their child a full-sized instrument? As three seasoned tutors attest, there are many things to consider
Ask the Experts: can beginner violin lessons be given by a cellist?
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: playing violin in the second position
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
Ask the Experts: regaining your technique after time away from the violin
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: how effective are stringed instrument 'playing-in' devices?
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: should beginner string pupils have more than one teacher?
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: how to choose the right violin rosin
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: obtaining a five-string cello
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: how to teach a group of violin students
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: buying your first instrument at auction
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: how to prevent budding musicians from developing bad habits
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
Ask the Experts: selecting the right tonewood
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
Ask the Experts: how to cure a locked left-hand fourth finger
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
Ask the Experts: how to combat unravelling strings
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
Ask the Experts: playing in cello thumb position
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
Ask the Experts: how to help a student with a short fourth finger
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to our experts
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Ask the Experts: how often should you have your bow rehaired?
A reader asks if there are long-term consequences for a bow if a player fails to have it rehaired in a timely fashion. Two bow makers and one supplier give their views
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Ask the Experts: how to keep your violin, viola or cello clean
Three instrument makers and restorers respond to a reader's query about how to keep her instrument clean of rosin
Ask the Experts: finding a better instrument on a budget
Strad readers submit their problems and queries about string playing, teaching or making to a panel of experts
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