All The Strad Calendar 2024 articles
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1742 ‘Lord Wilton’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin
Best known as Yehudi Menuhin’s instrument for much of his career, the violin is still in an excellent state of preservation
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1733 ‘Sassoon’ Antonio Stradivari violin
Made when the master luthier was 89 years old, it has plentiful, rich reddish-brown varnish
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1737 ‘Panette’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin
For years the main instrument used by Isaac Stern, it is now in the hands of Renaud Capuçon.
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1739 ‘Beatrice Harrison’ Pietro Guarneri of Venice cello
One of only five or six cellos made by the luthier, it was the British cellist’s principal performing instrument for many years
The Strad Calendar 2024: c.1580 Gasparo da Salò viola
One of the very few violas by the Brescian luthier that has never been cut down
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1737 ‘King Joseph’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin
Once considered the crowning achievement of Guarneri’s career, this instrument has pristine golden-orange varnish
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1740 ‘Fritz Kreisler’ Carlo Bergonzi violin
One of the finest existing examples of Bergonzi’s work, the instrument still retains its original neck
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1713 ‘Bass of Spain’ Antonio Stradivari cello
An extraordinary instrument by the master luthier, with an even more incredible provenance
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1709 ‘La Pucelle’ Antonio Stradivari violin
Considered to be the first instrument made during the master luthier’s ‘golden period’, the violin is in an excellent state of preservation
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1676 ‘Conte Vitale’ Andrea Guarneri viola
The ‘Conte Vitale’ is one of only two instruments in the collection to have retained its original neck
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1715 ‘Baron Knoop’ Antonio Stradivari violin
The favourite instrument of collector David L. Fulton, for whom its tone is ’silvery with lots of “sizzle”’
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1698 ‘Shapiro’ Pietro Guarneri of Mantua violin
The first fine instrument ever bought by collector David L. Fulton is a genuine rarity
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The Strad Calendar 2024: The Fulton collection
The Strad Calendar 2024 pays tribute to one of the 20th century’s finest stringed instrument collections, put together in just a couple of decades by American violin collector David L. Fulton. Christian Lloyd examines the treasures