Chunyee Lu, a restorer and dealer in Chicago, has launched a libel lawsuit against an online writer who posted critical comments about his Guadagnini Violin Shop on reviews websites. According to Lu's lawyer, the writer posted under various names, but all the messages have been traced to the same IP address.

The Chicago Sun Times reports that the writer, using the name TruthT, posted on 'Would you like to buy a gold mounted tortoise shell bow for $4500 that is actually worth $800 and is, in fact, made of gold-colored metal and faux-plastic shell? Then please go to this shop!'

In another message titled 'RIPOFF ARTIST', the writer, now posting as Truthteller1790, commented: 'Please don't go to this shop unless you want to be sold something which isn't what its purported to be for an outrageous price.'

Lu's lawyer said the comments were false and misleading. The violin shop owner is seeking over $50,000 in damages.
