All concerto articles – Page 2

  • SolGabettaElgar1

    Sol Gabetta performs Elgar's Cello Concerto at Proms 2016


    Sol Gabetta performs the fourth movement of Elgar's Cello Concerto at the 2016 BBC Proms with the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sakari Oramo. Read: ‘There is a tiger inside my instrument': Sol Gabetta talks about her newly acquired cello Watch: Sol Gabetta’s cello transformed by light ...

  • JansenBrahms1

    Janine Jansen performs Brahms Violin Concerto


    Janine Jansen performs Brahms's Violin Concerto with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe conducted by Bernard Haitink in 2014.Antje Weithaas continues The Strad’s marked-up sheet music series in association with Henle Verlag with the Brahms Concerto's first movement – giving bowings, fingerings and ideas for interpretation in our June ...

  • RalphKirschbaum1

    Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum gives Haydn masterclass


    You should play with a feeling of improvisation, as this is a cadenza. At the moment it feels too self-conscious'Ralph Kirshbaum gives a masterclass on Haydn's Cello Concerto in D for Play With A Pro Music Academy. The full 42-minute video can be downloaded here.Watch: Cellist Ralph Kirshbaum ...

  • Zimmermann1

    Violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann performs Mozart's Third Concerto


    A youthful Frank Peter Zimmermann performs the first movement of Mozart's Third Violin Concerto conducted by Bernard Haitink. The violinist discusses re-recording the Mozart violin concertos, 20 years after his breakthrough recording cycle, in The Strad's April 2016 issue - download on desktop computer or through The ...

  • April16Cover1

    The Strad April 2016 issue is out now


    Twenty years after his breakthrough recording of the Mozart concertos, German violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann revisits the cycle on disc

  • PierreFournier1

    Pierre Fournier performs Schumann's Cello Concerto


    French cellist Pierre Fournier performs Schumann's Cello Concerto with Orchestre National de France conducted by Jean Martinon in 1966.The Strad's February 2016 issue explores the career and playing of Pierre Fournier - 'the aristocrat of cellists' who embodied a smooth and lyrical style. Download on desktop computer or through The ...

  • MozartMasterclass1

    Ana Chumachenco gives Mozart violin cadenza masterclass


    Play with virtuosity but with a cool head...'Kronberg Academy violin professor Ana Chumachenco gives a masterclass on the cadenza of Mozart's Third Violin Concerto.The full 120-minute video is available to buy as a download or DVD through the Masterclass Media Foundation.Watch: Maxim Vengerov on playing the violin like ...

  • Parlow1

    Lost’ Halvorsen violin concerto unearthed in Canada


    The work is believed to have remained undiscovered since 1909

  • Gerhardt_Kaupo_Kikkas

    Cellist Alban Gerhardt on the importance of open string practice


    The German musician also advocates bringing a broader perspective to the interpretation of great concertos

  • Leonidas-Kavakos

    ‘I’m exhausted by the time I reach the Sibelius third movement,’ says violinist Leonidas Kavakos


    25 years after his pioneering recording, the Greek musician speaks about his relationship with the concerto in The Strad’s January 2016 issue

  • Histrionics

    How much does choice of concerto affect a competition result?


    In the past year, big, tuneful, Romantic works have dominated violin competition finals, leaving little room for Classical and 20th Century works, writes Charlotte Smith

  • Alban_Gerhardt_Dvorak11

    Alban Gerhardt speaks about Dvorák's Cello Concerto - with demonstrations


    The piece has beautiful haunting melodies, a deep longing for something not reachable and virtuosic elements'Alban Gerhardt speaks about the history and technique of Dvorák's Cello Concerto and gives demonstrations.Alban Gerhardt has contributed a Masterclass feature on the second and third movements of Dvorák's Cello Concerto to The ...

  • Joshua-Bell-ASMF

    Joshua Bell on performing and directing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto for the first time


    The star soloist and Academy of St Martin in the Fields music director will perform and direct the work with the ensemble in London in November

  • MullovaProkofiev

    Violinist Viktoria Mullova performs Prokofiev's Second Concerto


    Viktoria Mullova performs the second movement of Prokofiev's Violin Concerto no.2 conducted by Jeffrey Tate. The violinist is releasing an all-Prokofiev album, including the Second Concerto, this week.

  • VengerovSibelius1

    Maxim Vengerov gives Sibelius Violin Concerto masterclass


    Remember you are accompanying here - otherwise everyone will hear these exercises! It's very important not to take attention away from the theme.'Maxim Vengerov gives a masterclass on Sibelius's Violin Concerto and speaks about the importance of emphasising the theme - even when the soloist is required to ...

  • Kuschnir_Masterclass1

    Violinist Boris Kuschnir gives Mozart masterclass


    I need to hear the head, body and legs of each note...'Celebrated violin professor Boris Kuschnir gives a masterclass on Mozart's Fourth Violin Concerto at the Verbier Festival.The full 48-minute video is available to buy as a download or DVD through the Masterclass Media Foundation.Read Kuschnir's advice on ...

  • ZnaiderNielsen1

    Nikolaj Znaider performs Nielsen's Violin Concerto


    Nikolaj Znaider performs Nielsen's Violin Concerto with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä. The Strad's July 2015 issue, out now, investigates the story of the concerto's composition. Subscribe to The Strad or download our digital edition as part of a 30-day free trial. To ...

  • MaximVengerovViola1

    Maxim Vengerov performs Walton's Viola Concerto


    Violinist Maxim Vengerov proves himself to be a highly skilled viola player, performing Walton's Viola Concerto.Read The Strad's article asking, Should all viola players practise the violin?Subscribe to The Strad or download our digital edition as part of a 30-day free trial. To purchase single issues click here.

  • Yo-Yo-Ma-Elgar1

    Yo-Yo Ma performs Elgar's Cello Concerto


    Yo-Yo Ma performs the first movement of Elgar's Cello Concerto with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Daniel Barenboim in 1997. Read 9 opinions on performance and career by cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Subscribe to The Strad or download our digital edition as part of a 30-day free ...

  • Julai_Fischer_Tchaik1

    Julia Fischer performs Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto


    Julia Fischer performs Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto with Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France conducted by Vasily Petrenko. Watch Fischer perform Paganini's Caprice no.2. Subscribe to The Strad or download our digital edition as part of a 30-day free trial. To purchase single issues click here.