All Accessories articles – Page 9
Which shoulder rest to buy, from $25 to $1,100
In recent years manufacturers have come up with new shoulder rest designs and materials, and new dependable models have appeared both at the low end of the market and at the very highest. Femke Colborne talks to the makers with an eye on improvement, and to those who feel they ...
Products January 2021: Instrument photography
The big reveal - a celebration of a celebrated violin
Products December 2020: Dolfinos chinrest
A chinrest-only version of a system that claims to improve stability while reducing weight and acoustic interference
Products November 2020: Corelli Solea violin strings
Using new materials to help bring balance and beauty to players’ sound
Products October 2020: Larsen ‘Il Cannone’ cello strings
Harnessing the firepower of a legendary instrument
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Sitting Pretty: Chairs for Musicians
Musicians take great time and care to find the best instrument accessories, but rarely give the same consideration to the ideal chair. Anyone who cares about their posture, comfort and health would do well to pay more attention, writes Harry White
Products September 2020: Float file
German manufacturer Schilbach describes the float, or dovetail file, as an ‘almost forgotten tool for preparing the dovetail in the frog, for the pearl slide or for preparing the bow side of bass frogs’. Their updated version is made from fine-grained tool steel that has been gas-nitrided ...
Products September 2020: Fragrance
Cremona-based luthier Abraham Díaz Romero has formulated the 704 Cremonensis eau de parfum from a blend of oils including elemi, juniper, sandalwood and bergamot to recreate the olfactory sensation of entering a luthier’s workshop. The fragrance, which according to Díaz Romero ‘is as precious and exciting as ...
Products September 2020: Mach One shoulder rest
A new addition to an established line of shoulder rests designed to offer more players a perfect fit
Products August 2020: Face mask
The coronavirus pandemic has put something of a dampener on the celebrations planned worldwide to mark 250 years since the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven. While it won’t quite live up to the thrill of listening to (or playing in) a live performance of his music, this ...
Products August 2020: Glue pot
This 1fl oz pot for heat-sensitive hide glue is a replica of an 1870s model by Landers, Frary & Clark. It retains the decorative sunburst design of the original, but is made from stainless steel instead of cast iron. According to the manufacturer, water between the layers ...
Products August 2020: Pirastro Perpetual cello strings
New warm and weighty choices for cellists