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Words of wisdom from cellist Aldo Parisot
As Yale School of Music announced the official retirement of the cello guru in 2018, we looked back at some of the inspiring quotes from an interview for The Strad conducted by one of his most illustrious students, Ralph Kirshbaum
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How to teach adult string students
Teaching adults need not be a daunting prospect. For Alice McVeigh the rewards outweigh the problems, as she reveals in her guide for tutors. From 2014
7 ways to become a more confident instrumental teacher
In their 2012 book 'From the Stage to the Studio', Cornelia Watkins and Laurie Scott give practical advice to help young musicians become more confident in teaching
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Ask the Experts: helping double-jointed students
Five teachers and health specialists respond to a reader's query on how best to teach a double jointed student.
Teaching tips: students switching instruments
How do you spot when a young student has chosen the wrong instrument, and how do you find out which would suit them better? Pedagogue and author Mimi Butler takes a look at the issues involved
How to improve your playing with slow practice
Does slow and steady win the race when it comes to practice, or does a more up-tempo approach bring the best results, asks Rok Klopčič
Tackling the difficult topic of student-teacher relationships
Learning a stringed instrument requires an emotional and mental bond between student and teacher, but what happens when the boundaries blur? Hazel Davis investigates
London's Royal College of Music launches postgraduate string quartet programme
The new Artist Diploma provides an intense year of study for a pre-formed quartet
Studies reveal musical training in childhood aids language learning ability
Just one hour a week of musical interaction greatly increases linguistic aptitude, even into adulthood
In Harmony Telford and Stoke launches new online teaching resource
The digital practice system will benefit just under 900 children in the area