Sentimental Work: Edicson Ruiz on Bach’s Cello Suites for double bass


Learning Bach’s Cello Suites was a huge challenge for the Venezuelan double bassist, for which the advice of tutor Anner Bylsma was an invaluable help

Bach’s Cello Suites have always been a source of fascination for me, and I can remember listening to bassist Edgar Meyer’s recording of the First, Second and Fifth Suites while I was growing up. I was amazed by what I was hearing, and could well understand the courage he needed to perform them on the bass. I never gave any thought to learning them myself at that time; in fact it only occurred to me when I started giving masterclasses and students turned up with one of the Cello Suites asking for my advice. My first thought was: ‘Why are you studying this? They’re for the cello!’…

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