All string-teaching articles
Book review: Expressive Violin Technique: How to Teach and Acquire It
Celia Cobb explores Bruce Douglas Berg’s method to help intermediate to advanced players and teachers ‘combine expression with technique’
Book review: Violin in Action
Celia Cobb reviews Kristina Mirkovic’s four-volume course on violin playing, including books on scales, positions, and intervals and arpeggios
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Inheriting others’ pupils: a fresh start
Taking on other people’s ex-pupils can be a tricky business – especially when they come with ingrained unhealthy habits. Focusing on upper strings, Alun Thomas outlines what may need to be addressed to make progress
Book review: Stringtastic Beginners
Alex Laing reviews the latest teaching method from Faber, for violin, viola, cello and double bass
Should all string players learn how to improvise?
Dutch violinists Martin Norgaard and Tim Kliphuis believe teaching children improvisation and alternative styles of music should be a requirement of string lessons in the 21st century, writes Pauline Harding
Electric instruments can be helpful tools for group string teaching
Julie Lyonn Lieberman describes ways that electric instruments can inject energy into group learning sessions
Limits of the system – is too much expected of El Sistema?
As new research into El Sistema-inspired projects in England is announced, Michael Quinn asks if too much is expected from, and invested in, imports of the fabled Venezuelan music education programme