Four violinists between the ages of 17 and 20 remain in the race for the $15,000 first prize plus raft of benefits and opportunities

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Hyunjae Lim, Diana Adamyan, Tianyou Ma and Nathan Mierdl

The four finalists in the senior section of the 2018 Menuhin compeition are:

  • Tianyou Ma, China, 17
  • Diana Adamyan, Armenia, 18
  • Nathan Mierdl, France / Germany, 20
  • Hyunjae Lim, South Korea, 20

The first prize winner will take home a cash prize of CHF 15,000 (c. $15,000) plus a one-year loan of a fine old Italian violin from Christophe Landon Rare Violins. Second, third and fourth places win CHF 10,000, 7,000 and 4,000 respectively.

All will be offered a package of concert invitations and masterclasses.