All Lutherie articles – Page 10
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1737 ‘Panette’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin
For years the main instrument used by Isaac Stern, it is now in the hands of Renaud Capuçon.
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Trade Secrets: Preparing a two-piece violin top
An accurate method for sawing and preparing tonewood before the main process of carving the plate
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1739 ‘Beatrice Harrison’ Pietro Guarneri of Venice cello
One of only five or six cellos made by the luthier, it was the British cellist’s principal performing instrument for many years
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Copying a Montagnana cello: The Full Monty
For the past few years, the attendees of the annual Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop have set themselves increasingly challenging group projects. Robin Aitchison explains how 30 luthiers collaborated on their latest task: to copy a Montagnana cello with pinpoint accuracy
The Strad Calendar 2024: c.1580 Gasparo da Salò viola
One of the very few violas by the Brescian luthier that has never been cut down
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Making Matters: Finding the best-fitting viola
While the violin form is pretty much standardised, violas exist in all kinds of sizes and patterns. Chris Sandvoss offers some pointers to find the instrument most suited to the player
Strauss’s Metamorphosen played on one luthier’s instruments
The ‘Echoes of the Ages’ festival, featuring the work of Icelandic luthier Hans Jóhannsson, concluded with a concert performance exclusively on instruments he made
Gallery: festival dedicated to luthier Hans Jóhannsson concludes in Iceland
‘Echoes of the Ages’ profiled the 43-year career of the Icelandic violin maker, who has made over 300 instruments
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1737 ‘King Joseph’ Guarneri ‘del Gesù’ violin
Once considered the crowning achievement of Guarneri’s career, this instrument has pristine golden-orange varnish
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German bow makers in America: Across the Atlantic
Many, if not most, of the earliest bow makers working in America originally hailed from Germany. Raphael Gold discovers how they helped lay the foundations for the industry
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My Space: Michael Darnton’s Chicago workshop
Take a peek into the luthier’s compact workshop
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1740 ‘Fritz Kreisler’ Carlo Bergonzi violin
One of the finest existing examples of Bergonzi’s work, the instrument still retains its original neck
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Trade Secrets: Establishing a consistent double bass neck heel
A personal method that can be utilised during the design of the neck and scroll
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In Focus: An 1889 violin by Charles Francis Albert
Bruce Braun Babbitt examines the late-19th-century violin by the American maker
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1713 ‘Bass of Spain’ Antonio Stradivari cello
An extraordinary instrument by the master luthier, with an even more incredible provenance
Photo gallery: the Bursik ‘Milanolo’ five-string violin
The instrument was developed in a collaboration between the Czech Bursik family luthiers and virtuoso Milan Pala
The Strad Calendar 2024: 1709 ‘La Pucelle’ Antonio Stradivari violin
Considered to be the first instrument made during the master luthier’s ‘golden period’, the violin is in an excellent state of preservation
Cremona Museo del Violino dedicates room to Simone Sacconi
The influential Italian luthier and scholar died 50 years ago at the age of 78
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My Space: Roberto Regazzi’s Bologna workshop
Included in Regazzi’s workshop is a full set of The Strad magazine from 1890!