Today is Nicola Benedetti’s birthday! Here’s a video of her finest bloopers. Expect lots of laughter, fun and Benedetti ‘being excited about stuff’

In an extract from the September 2020 issue, Benedetti stated, ’When people are afraid of doing something wrong they stop moving and breathing and actually being able to make any sound that has resonance and character. If you have the patience to focus on bigger objectives, such as storytelling and the character of the sound you’re creating, then lots of the smaller goals will start to fit into place. I’ve increasingly become a fan of a more chaotic style of improvement and learning, as opposed to one that is so mollycoddled and controlled’

Watch: In the Green Room: Interview with Nicola Benedetti

Read: The fear of making mistakes stops violinists from playing with resonance and character – Nicola Benedetti