£100,000 is now available for period-instrument ensembles that have been affected by the pandemic


Fretwork are one of the ensembles who have benefitted from the first round of Continuo Foundation grants

Continuo Foundation is now inviting applications for a second round of grants to help period-instrument ensembles to continue planning and performing. As of today, £100,000 is available for grants to projects scheduled from October 2021 to March 2022. This amount will be increased by any additional donations received before 1st September 2021, with 100% going to grants.

This new round follows the initial £150,000 in grants awarded in March 2021 to 23 ensembles, creating 377 paid engagements for freelance musicians. Since April 2021, four new recordings, one opera world premiere and numerous concerts, both livestreamed and with live audiences, have taken place. First round grantees include the Consone Quartet, the Dunedin Consort, Fretwork, London Handel Orchestra and Spirato.

Read: Gut strings feel honest and dirtier than the brilliance of metal strings - Consone Quartet

Read: Period of Adjustment: Baroque Instruments

Founder of Continuo Foundation Tina Vadaneaux states, ’We are thrilled to have reached our launch target of £100k, and the more we can raise by September, the more grants we can make and the more musicians we can help’

Grants from Continuo are open to professional UK-based period-instrument ensembles. Applications open today with a submission deadline of 9 August 2021. Grant decisions are expected by 21 September. Full details on how to apply are available on the website: www.continuofoundation.co.uk