Cellist and pop vocals, alumnus of a ‘combined pathway’ bachelor of arts degree in classical cello and pop vocals at Leeds College of Music, UK


Leeds is a vibrant, musically diverse city and I was attracted to it from the moment I went to my audition. Growing up I loved musical theatre as well as playing the cello, so the Leeds College of Music (LCoM) ‘combined pathway’ course suited me perfectly: it was the best way for me to develop my cello playing while also studying pop vocals.

The course’s main strengths are flexibility and versatility. My principal ‘pathway’ was in classical cello, which I studied with Alfia Nekipbekova as well as having classical theory classes. There were lots of opportunities for me to perform as a soloist, with my string quartet and also in the college orchestras. A particular highlight for me was performing Vivaldi’s Concerto for two cellos in G minor with the LCoM chamber orchestra in our college gala concert.

As my second pathway I had lessons and classes in pop vocals and I could attend any pop classes I wanted. In my final year my band was encouraged to develop and project a personality when on stage, and this is a skill I have found valuable for my classical playing as well. Through my work as a vocalist I have had the chance to meet producers and songwriters who have since booked me for sessions as a cellist. Having the two skills makes me all the more employable.

I finished the course in the summer of 2014, and have chosen to stay on at LCoM as Student Union President to help make sure that current students have as positive and as fruitful an experience as I did.