Timeless advice for the string student from our archive
Taken directly from our November 1890 issue, here is an important list for students of all ages. Are you guilty of any of these crimes?
What Pupils Ought Not to Do
1. To be lazy and then blame the teacher for not learning
2. To be impatient under correction.
3. To be irregular in attendance at his lessons.
4. To waste his time in playing other music than that assigned for
the lesson.
5. To treat teachers disrespectfully.
6. To dictate to the teacher as to what music he is to use.
7. To soil his music.
8. To expect good instruction for unreasonably low prices.
9. To deduct payment for lessons which were missed by his own
10. To be conceited, or jealous of other pupils.
11. To ask a teacher to use an old and worthless instruction
12. To expect progress without putting forth all his
13. To study music for mere display.
14. To refuse to listen to good advice.
15. To practise when weary in body or mind.
16. To attempt to play in public before he has learnt something
that is worth hearing.
17. To say, I can't, when meeting with difficulties.
18. To get angry at the violin, and scrape about on it when
mistakes are made.
19. To take liberties with compositions and to change them to suit
his own tastes.
20. To expect as much progress, if but little gifted, as is made by
those who have great gifts.
21. To be ungrateful to teachers.
22. To neglect studying harmony and musical history.
23. To neglect reading musical journals and musical books.
24. To be satisfied with his attainment.
25. To be contented with halfway work.
26. To be careless and acquire bad habits.
27. To be unmindful of correct fingering and a correct position of
the hand and arm.
28. To play or sing without sentiment.
29. To expect success without having regular practice hours.
30. To attempt to play without counting.
For more gems of wisdom from The Strad archive going back to 1890, go to our shop. To download a free sample digital edition of the magazine, go here.
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