All cpe-bach articles
Tamsin Waley-Cohen: CPE Bach: Complete Works for Violin and Keyboard
Deft and mellow-toned readings of late Baroque duos by Bach junior
Jean-Guihen Queyras: C.P.E Bach Cello Concertos
Compelling, idiomatic playing in Bach Junior’s cello concertos
C.P.E. Bach: Violin Sonatas in D major, D minor, C major, F major, B minor, B flat major, C minor; Sinfonia in D major; Fantasia in F sharp minor; Arioso with Variations in A major
The Strad Issue: October 2017Description: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s music in its enjoyable, varied entiretyMusicians: Duo Belder KimuraComposer: C.P.E. BachCatalogue Number: RESONUS RES10192 (2 CDs) This comprehensive survey of C.P.E. Bach’s works for keyboard and violin traces his artistic development from the period of his ...
C.P.E. Bach: Cello Concertos in A minor, B flat major & A major Wq170–2
The Strad Issue: March 2015Description: Contemporary cadenzas shed new light on Carl Philipp EmanuelMusicians: Konstantin Manaev (cello) Berlin CamerataComposer: C.P.E. Bach‘Polystylistic’ is not a word one would expect to apply to a disc of C.P.E. Bach concertos, however revolutionary his writing may have been. The addition of ...