Kai Xuan Travis Wong, a nine-year-old violinist from Singapore, beat more than 100 others in the Italian competition for young violinists


The mayor of Fermo, Paolo Calcinaro, presents nine-year-old Kai Xuan Travis Wong with his prize | facebook.com/concorsopostacchini

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A nine-year-old violinist, Kai Xuan Travis Wong, has been named the overall winner in the 31st Andrea Postacchini International Violin Competition in Fermo, Italy, beating more than 100 other young international competitors aged between 8 and 30.

Wong, who comes from Singapore, previously made news when in 2021 he became the youngest ever candidate to achieve a Grade 8 ABRSM distinction in violin, at just five years old.

He was placed first in his category, for violinists born between 2013 and 2016. On 25 May he was then declared the absolute winner after competing with the victors from the other three categories, French Marlys Lauriac, 14, Latvian Eva Ter-Sarkisova, 21, and Italian Yume Zamponi, 18.

Wong, who celebrated his ninth birthday just two weeks before the competition took place, was also awarded the ‘Postacchini Prize’: a Stradivari 1715 model violin, made by the luthier Giacomo Nibid, a bow by Walter Barbiero, plus a cash prize of € 1,400.

This year’s competition jury was chaired by Ulf Schneider and comprised Miranda Cuckson, Felice Cusano, Chenxing Huang, Alberto Martini, Elena Revich and Matteo Calosci.

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