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Arve Tellefsen et al: Sculpted Sound
Will instruments created from the same spruce log by the same luthier share certain sonic characteristics, even if played by separate individuals?
Under the Stars. Works by Spencer, Bull, Debussy, Elgar, Bizet/Hubay, Hubay, Dvorák, Tchaikovsky, Kreisler, Fauré, Brahms, Shostakovich and Siem
The Strad Issue: April 2015Description: Starry violinist dazzles and charms in a disc of encore piecesMusicians: Charlie Siem (violin) Munich Radio Orchestra/Paul GoodwinComposer: Spencer, Bull, Debussy, Elgar, Bizet/Hubay, Hubay, Dvorˇák, Tchaikovsky, Kreisler, Fauré, Brahms, Shostakovich and SiemThis disc features a generous mix of virtuoso fireworks and sweetmeats ...