ecoRosin strives to leave a zero footprint on our planet whilst offering string players premium rosin recipes for colourful music making

2021-06-09 15.15.14

ecoRosin is a new line of premium rosins, proudly innovated, designed and created in Australia by Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin. ecoRosin strives to leave a zero footprint on our planet whilst offering string players premium rosin recipes for colourful music making. 

ecoRosin uses natural, plant-based resins, organic oils and waxes, including an 100% Hemp Dew-retted fabric wrap. ecoRosin uses no animal products and is 100% vegan. ecoRosin is biodegradable, and packaged in an SCS-certified recycled container to protect your rosin, ecoRosin will leave no waste. The estimated CO2 emissions are offset from the production of the rosin, through investment in renewable energy projects. 

The ecoRosin recipes offer a clean and precise bite on the string, with a resonant and open sound. A low to medium traction allows for a generous warmth in sonorous playing. The strength of bite on the string is varied in each recipe to suit the Violin, Viola or Cello. 

The rosin makers at Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin have been committed to using sustainably sourced materials and ingredients in their range of super-premium rosins. Now, they have embarked on a journey of examining their overall impact on the Earth. They are taking steps to become a certified Australian carbon neutral company and completely offset their carbon footprint. Leatherwood’s rosin maker Andrew Baker says: 

’The health of our world is in rapid decline. The polluting impact of industry and the relentless use of resources and accumulation of waste are choking our precious Earth. While we can’t solve all of the world’s environmental challenges, we can certainly play our part’. 

ecoRosin is an affordable rosin which enhances your music making. By using ecoRosin, you too are joining our odyssey in regenerating the Earth.

Find out more about ecoRosin at