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Opinion: AI vs live performance?
Even with the proliferation of technology such as generative AI in the music industry, violist Toby Deller believes there will always be a strong human need to experience live performance
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Opinion: Solving issues with your students’ parents over coffee
When issues arise that aren’t easily solved during lesson time, cellist and teacher Naomi Yandell finds that taking a pupil’s parent or guardian out for a coffee and a chat on neutral territory can be time well spent
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Opinion: Practising scales in sequential order
While most string players agree that scales and arpeggios are the basic building blocks for good technique, cellist Robert Jesselson says that it’s essential to practise them sequentially to gain the maximum benefit
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Opinion: Avoid cheap instruments for beginners
Cellist and teacher Naomi Yandell urges parents not to buy their children cheap stringed instruments online – it’s a false economy and only leads to disappointment and waste
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Opinion: Avoid overloading students with information
Double bassist Alex Ferkey believes that young string players are often derailed by information overload, and should trust more in unconscious processes when trying to perfect their technique
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Opinion: Mass discardment of cheap bows
Cellist Andrew Janss was shocked to discover the phenomenon of the cheap, single-use bow: one that costs more to rehair than replace. He calls for a change in manufacturers’ attitudes to such waste
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Opinion: Independence of the left-hand thumb
To free up left-hand technique, violinist and teacher Martin Goldman encourages players to think more carefully about their thumb as an independent entity, yet still in close partnership with the four fingers
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Opinion: Choosing the right repertoire for group instrumental lessons
With the growth in popularity of group instrumental lessons, it’s never been more important to match the music to the pupil says cellist, composer and teacher Thomas Gregory
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Opinion: why don’t string players practice pizzicato?
Perfecting bowing is a lifelong quest for string players – but what about pizzicato? Cellist Davina Shum advocates setting aside some dedicated practice time to this neglected technique
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Opinion: The benefits and challenges of playing at the back of the section
While the musicians at the front of an orchestral string section might be in the spotlight, every string player should experience the unique challenges of sitting towards the back, says violinist Alexandra Gorski
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Opinion: Criticism in teaching
Cellist and teacher Naomi Yandell explores the fine line between nagging and getting a point across by reminder and reinforcement, and suggests that a less verbal approach can often yield good results
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Opinion: Adjusting instrument necks for teenage players’ growing hands
Bow maker Bernd Müsing believes that widening violin and viola necks could help young players, especially teenage boys, who find that there is no longer enough space between the strings for their growing fingertips
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Opinion: How improvisation can help with perfectionism
Having discovered a love of improvisation during the pandemic, cellist Simone Seales believes that the practice can free classically trained musicians from a typically unhealthy fear of imperfection
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Opinion: The benefits of rest for students
Cellist and teacher Naomi Yandell is often pleasantly surprised at how much progress can be made by students during a break from lessons
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Opinion: Flexibility in orchestral playing
Violinist Alexandra Gorski argues that an orchestra’s greatest asset is not power or accuracy; rather the ability to adapt seamlessly to every style of music and manner of conductor
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Opinion: The importance (and difficulty) of playing softly
As string players, we are often encouraged to make a big sound, but cellist Davina Shum believes that the art of playing quietly is an underrated one
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Opinion: EFT for performance anxiety
Violinist Jenny Clift struggled with performance anxiety until she discovered an unusual therapeutic technique
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Opinion: Rethinking Beethoven’s String Quartet op.135
Norman Werbner argues an intriguing case for a different way of performing Beethoven’s String Quartet op.135
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Opinion: The pros and cons of backing tracks
Naomi Yandell argues that while backing tracks are a useful learning tool, they create an experience gap that needs bridging
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Opinion: A case for depping
The art of deputising may be one of the scariest things a musician can do, but it’s a skill that can benefit all players, says cellist Davina Shum