All discovery articles
Previously unknown Mozart string trio discovered in Leipzig library
Lasting about twelve minutes, a string trio dated to Mozart’s early teenage years has been rediscovered in a German library and just received its modern premiere
Haydn portrait discovered in US antique store
The 1785 painting by Christian Ludwig Seehas has been acquired by the International Joseph Haydn Private Foundation Eisenstadt
Violinist Joshua Bell and London Symphony Orchestra change perceptions of sharks
The Discovery Channel’s Shark Week has traditionally played host to programmes designed to heighten the terrifying image of sharks. However, this year the channel has teamed with composer J. Ralph to create an original piece entitled ‘Theodora’ focusing on the majesty of these animals.Recorded at Abbey Road Studios ...
Swiss violin maker identifies rare Bergonzi violin
A violin maker and dealer based in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, has identified the only known full-size violin by Zosimo Bergonzi (1724–79). Zosimo was the son of the great Cremonese luthier Carlo Bergonzi, and the brother of Michel Angelo Bergonzi. Up until now the only evidence of Zosimo's ...