All daniel parker articles
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In Focus: A c.1718 Daniel Parker violin
John Dilworth takes a closer look at a violin by the English maker
From the Archive: a violin by Daniel Parker
This illustration of a violin by Daniel Parker was published in The Strad, December 1986. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Although most writers on the violin have taken Daniel Parker to heart, waxing euphoric about this most individual of makers, he has remained an enigma, ...
Jonathan Hill performs Vitali's Chaconne on a Daniel Parker violin
Jonathan Hill performs Tomaso Antonio Vitali's Chaconne on a violin by Daniel Parker, London, 1716.Probably the finest English maker of the 18th century, little is known about Parker. An early adopter of the long-pattern Stradivari model when many were influenced by Stainer, it is thought Parker was employed ...
From the Archive: a viola by Daniel Parker, London, 1714
This illustration of a viola by Daniel Parker was published in The Strad, December 1973. The following text is extracted from the article accompanying the photographs:Daniel Parker’s existing instruments are very few in number. It is probable that many have never been identified as his work. Besides being one of ...